Logo – CAWS 1988

4th Annual World Convention: Under New Management: July 1,2,3,4, 1988, Chicago, IL

According the Greg D. (Chicago and former Trustee), “Under New Management” refers to the Step Three decision, to “turn one’s will and life’ over to a Higher Power — signifying a new life “under new management.” “The logo is a key, and the key is willingness. So that was the spiritual context in relation to the program, it was the true source of it was the 3rd step. You’d be under new management finally in your life. Having a higher power to manage your life now, and then the key of willingness to do so.” Also of note, the key is in the shape of the Chicago skyline with the letters “C.A.” on it signifying the growth of Cocaine Anonymous, and Chicago as the site of the Convention.

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