Clock – 2015
31st CA World Convention: We Absolutely Insist on Enjoying Life: May 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2015, Las Vegas, NV
The Cocaine Anonymous Virtual Museum
Protecting C.A.’s Future by Preserving C.A.’s Legacy
List of C.A. Regions
Atlantic North Region
Canadian Maritimes Area (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island), Connecticut Area, Massachusetts Area, New York Area, Northern New England Area (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont), Eastern Pennsylvania/New Jersey/Delaware Area, Quebec Area, Rhode Island Area, Southern Ontario Area
* Northern Ontario
Atlantic South Region
Alabama Area, Arkansas Area, Florida Area, Georgia Area, North Carolina Area, Louisiana Area, Tennessee Area, South Carolina Area, Virginia Area, Peru Area
Midwest Region
Illinois Area, Indiana Area, Kentucky Area, Manitoba Canada Area, Michigan Area, Minnesota Area, Missouri Area, Nebraska Area, Ohio Area, Wisconsin Area
*Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia
Pacific North Region
Alaska Area, British Columbia Area, Idaho Area, Northern Alberta Area, Northern California Area, Northern Nevada Area, Oregon/Southwest Washington Area, Southern Alberta Area, Utah Area, Washington Area
*Montana, Wyoming, Saskatchewan
Pacific South Region
Antelope Valley Area, Hawaii Area, Nevada Area, Online Area, Central California Area, Inland Empire Area, Los Angeles Area, Orange County Area, San Diego Area, San Fernando Valley Area, San Gabriel/Pomona Valley Area, Southern Nevada Area, West Inland Empire Area
Southwest Region
Arizona Area, Colorado Area, C.A. of Southern Colorado Area, Kansas Area, New Mexico Area, Oklahoma Area, North Texas Area, Texas Area Service Gulf Coast, South Central Texas Area
Mainland European Region
China Area, Denmark Area, Germany Area, Greece Area, Holland Area, Indonesia Area, Spain Area, Sweden Area, Switzerland Area, Russia Area, Portugal Area, Ca Holland Noord Area, France Area, Poland Area.
* Belgium, Italy
European Region
Central UK Area, Hong Kong Area, Ireland Area, London Area, Scotland Area, South Africa Area, Sussex Area, Thailand Area, United Kingdom Area, Wales Area, West Country Area
* Iran, Malta
31st CA World Convention: We Absolutely Insist on Enjoying Life: May 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2015, Las Vegas, NV
30th CA World Convention: Voyage into Recovery: May 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2014, Long Beach, CA
32nd CA World Convention: Sweet Home Chicago: June 30 – July 1, 2, 3, 4, 2016, Chicago, IL
Donated to Cameron F. (Toronto, ON) at the 2018 CA Sweden Convention in Stockholm by Javad A. (Sweden). Located in the SOCA Archives in Ontario.
This example of Origami (art of paper folding) consists of three A.A. Big Books with their pages folded in such a way that it spells, “HOPE,” “FAITH,” “COURAGE.” Work was …
3″ x 3″ metal golf “me too” marker (1, 2, 3, 4) with magnetic CA coin in the middle as a golf ball marker for the green. The marker is …
34th C.A. World Convention: June 28, 29, 30, July 1, 2, 2018, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Nicole (Quebec) worked a little more than 100 hours on this quilt. It also took …
Proceeds of this fundraising item ($25.00 US) goes to 2018 Washington State Convention.
September 18, 2018 in Toronto, Ontario. Approximately 800 invitations are to be given out to various professionals such as social workers, probation and parole officers, CAS workers, Shelter workers, Law …
35th CA World Services Convention in Stockholm, Sweden, July 4 – 8, 2019
34th C.A. World Convention: June 28, 29, 30, July 1, 2, 2018, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Banquet Table centerpiece (a different one on every table) Made of wood and hand-painted. These …
12th Annual World Convention: 12 Years/12 Steps: May 24, 25, 26, 27, 1996, Atlanta, Georgia Cap colours: Green, Burgundy, and Gold embroidery on White cloth. Donated to the CAWS Archive …
Colby refers to Colby Avenue Club House for Recovery gifts and coins in Everett Washington.
Saturday 2 June 2018 a beautiful fundraiser was held in Alkmaar for the CA Convention 2018 “Comes of Age”. There will be 4 speakers that day to share their Hope, …