Mug – 1999 PNRC
April 23rd-25th, 1999, Pacific North Regional Convention of Cocaine Anonymous, Santa Clara, CA. Submitted by Herb K. (Northern California)
The Cocaine Anonymous Virtual Museum
Protecting C.A.’s Future by Preserving C.A.’s Legacy
April 23rd-25th, 1999, Pacific North Regional Convention of Cocaine Anonymous, Santa Clara, CA. Submitted by Herb K. (Northern California)
Cocaine Anonymous 33rd Québec Area Bilingual Convention, April 17, 18, 19, HOTEL EVO, 777 Boul. Robert-Bourassa Montréal, QC
Very early Atlanta, Georgia meeting schedule. July 30, 1085 Submitted by Dot T. (Atlanta, GA)
At first Atlanta, Georgia made their own sobriety chips from 1985 to 1986. When Georgia was ratified as an Area at the 1st World Conference Feb. 8,9, 1986, it was …
These inexpensive, temporary sobriety key tags were created due to the lack of available official C.A. chips. Donated by Jade H. (South Africa Delegate 2016)
12 Steps One Solution, August 30 – September 3, 2017 World Services Conference Very limited quantity made only for the committee members. Private Collection, Maya B.
Mug from the 1989 PNRC that never happened because of the earthquake. “The Masquerade is Over”, October 27, 28 29, 1986 – Northern California Convention Submitted by Herb K. (Northern …
“The Masquerade is Over” – October 27, 28, 29, 1989 Northern California Convention Submitted by Jim B. (San Francisco, CA)
Northern CA convention from Reno, NV – November 15-17 2002 Submitted by Jim B (San Francisco, CA)
Mugs were hand painted and fired by a local member of the Idaho fellowship. PNR Convention Red Lion Hotel Twin Falls, ID April 21-23, 2017 Private Collection, Rose J
23rd CALA Convention Palm Springs, CA August 23 to 26, 2007 Private Collection, Rose J
Sterling Silver medallion (about the size of a metal C.A. chip) in a customized wooden box with the C.A. logo on the inside of the box. 23rd CALA Convention Palm …
2020 Speedball New Year’s Eve event Expo Center, Sandy, UT Private Collection, Ruby C
Magic Valley District, March 17, 2012, Twin Falls, Idaho Private Collection, Norm B
Porcupine Springs, Idaho July 25, 26, 27, 2014 Campout Private Collection, Norm B
31st Twin Falls District Unity Days. Rock Creek Park Twin Falls, ID Private Collection, Rose J.
Gavel created by Cameron F. who was the C.A. Area Chair for Southern Ontario from Jan. 2018 to Jan. 2020.
February 10, 1990, T-Shirt donated by Jim B. (San Francisco) to Ernest M., who posted the image.