Vest – 2014 – Members At Large Group

Created December 14, 2014, the C.A. Group,  “Members At Large” has no home group and, in the spirit of Tradition Nine, was very loosely organized with a spirit of camaraderie, joyousness and helpfulness to the C.A. fellowship throughout Southern Ontario.  The Group’s purpose is to carry the C.A. message of Hope, Faith, and Courage, as outlined in the Big Book of A.A., our basic recovery text, and to practice the Twelve Traditions of C.A. by attending and supporting Ontario various C.A. Group/s every month. The Group members would often be called upon to attend struggling C.A. Groups. “Members At Large” would call C.A. members in the struggling Groups locality, inviting people out and re-invigorating the Group’s attendance. The “Members At Large” would also contribute generously to the Group’s 7th to help bolster the Groups dwindling financial resources.

What was unique about the Group, is that the “Members At Large” adopted the notion of patched leather vests to signify Group members. Members would wear their vests when attending and supporting C.A. meetings and C.A. fellowship events throughout Southern Ontario. By mid-2015 the Group had some 55 “patched-in” Members scattered across Canada.

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