1 thought on “T-Shirt – 1989”

  1. On July 5th 1987 My little Brother Rick removed me from a Burned out garage in Temple City Ca,sleeping Errr Passing out on a water bed that had no water. While collecting aluminum cans out of the Rio Hondo River channel. I was pissed at Rick. It took a bit of time to stay sober. This was My 1st out of state convention. A little over 2 years later I found my sponsee John W. and myself Staying at the Biltmore. What an AWESOME LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE This was way beyond this Dope Fiends wildest Dreams Since 2.04.88 O.D.A.A.T. Arizona C.A. will forever hold a special place in my Heart in Helping solidify my Sobriety Journey


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