Disclaimer: In the spirit of Tradition Six, C.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. The information presented in these online tools and tutorials are not endorse nor is Cocaine Anonymous affiliated with or any of the companies and/or services offered on the site. Any links to external websites or services are only provided as a convenience to our members. These online tools and videos are strictly informational and presented in the spirit of collaboration by fellow Archivists wishing to be helpful to other Archivists.
C.A. History Presentations
Download this PDF Slide show:
Digital Archiving Tools
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Online & Free
Free Online Audio Transcription mp3 to text
Archive Humor – Recruit, Educate & Activate Your Archive Committee
Tutorials on Archival Procedures
PDF Download the C.A. World Services “Pass It On” Archiving Guidelines & Procedures
What would the world look like without archives?
What I love about archives?
The Importance of Digital Archives
Great Canadian C.A. Convention
Archive Data Management
Arrangement and description of small archival collections
Introduction to Arranging Archives
Records Management 101.
Archival Processing.
Handling Objects in a Archival or Museum Setting
General Paper Preservation Tips
The Contents of a Museum Labelling and Marking Kit: A Collections Care How To Guide.
Labelling and marking paper objects in museum collections.
Textile Storage Tips
Archive Preservation
Conducting an Oral Historical Interview
Labelling and marking textiles in museum collections.
Marking museum objects using the starch paste method.
Online Museum Training – Creating a Small Exhibition.
In depth presentation on Archive Description.