Pin – CAWS 1997
13th: We Carry This Message: May 23, 24, 25, 26, 1997, Denver, Colorado Private collection, Ruby C
The Cocaine Anonymous Virtual Museum
Protecting C.A.’s Future by Preserving C.A.’s Legacy
13th: We Carry This Message: May 23, 24, 25, 26, 1997, Denver, Colorado
1997 Convention Committee:
Chairperson: Jay F.
Vice Chairperson: Robbie G.
Secretary: Wendy S.
Treasurer: Dan S. M.
Registration: Karen K. and Russ L.
Entertainment: Yvonne M.
Hotel Liaison: Allan A.
Hospitality: Larry K.
Program: Hugh M.
Fun Run/Walk: Steve C.
Workshops: Matt T.
Marathons: Susan M.
Speakers: AAron C.
Public Information: Christine T.
Banner/Brick: Mark G.
Memorabilia: Eric C., Robbie G., Dan S. M.
Deaf/Hearing Inpaired/Special Needs: Mike H.
Unity/Outreach: Julie P.
Theme/Logo: La Don K.
Printing: Jimmy M.
Drawing/Auctions: Angela M.
Banquet: Luke M. and Yvonne M.
Archives: Kenny S.
World Service Trustee: Steve A.
Fundraising: Eric C.
Special Events: Joe R.
Hospitals and Institutions: Art B.
Spending Committee: Michele B., Roger K., Russ L.
World Service Office: K.D. Z.
Banquet Centerpieces: Luke M. and Yvonne M.
Information Host: Clint M.
Advanced Information: Stewart R. and Mariea R.
Evaluations: Stewart R. and Mariea R.
Child Care: Chris G.
Co-ANON Liaison: Patti K.
The Source Table: Carrie C.
Transportation: Mike D.
Hospitality Suite: Sam H. and Liz H.
Pool Party: Roscoe K.
Movie Night: Luke M.
Ice Cream Social: Gerri H.
Live Music: Lionel H.
Brunch: Mike H.
12 Traditions Play: Angela M.
13th: We Carry This Message: May 23, 24, 25, 26, 1997, Denver, Colorado Private collection, Ruby C
13th: We Carry This Message: May 23, 24, 25, 26, 1997, Denver, Colorado From the Private collection, Rose J, Idaho
13th Annual World Conventioon: We Carry This Message: May 23, 24, 25, 26, 1997, Denver, Colorado
13th Annual World Convention: We Carry This Message: May 23, 24, 25, 26, 1997, Denver, Colorado
13th Annual World Conventioon: We Carry This Message: May 23, 24, 25, 26, 1997, Denver, Colorado
13th Annual World Convention We Carry This Message: May 23, 24, 25, 26, 1997, Denver, Colorado