Zip up Hoodie – 2023 CAWS Convention
May 25 – 29, 2023, 37th C.A. World Convention: Atlanta, Georgia Thin, zip-up hoodies produced in several pastel colors. Two different designs were used for the back of the hoodies. …
The Cocaine Anonymous Virtual Museum
Protecting C.A.’s Future by Preserving C.A.’s Legacy
List of C.A. Regions
Atlantic North Region
Canadian Maritimes Area (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island), Connecticut Area, Massachusetts Area, New York Area, Northern New England Area (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont), Eastern Pennsylvania/New Jersey/Delaware Area, Quebec Area, Rhode Island Area, Southern Ontario Area
* Northern Ontario
Atlantic South Region
Alabama Area, Arkansas Area, Florida Area, Georgia Area, North Carolina Area, Louisiana Area, Tennessee Area, South Carolina Area, Virginia Area, Peru Area
Midwest Region
Illinois Area, Indiana Area, Kentucky Area, Manitoba Canada Area, Michigan Area, Minnesota Area, Missouri Area, Nebraska Area, Ohio Area, Wisconsin Area
*Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia
Pacific North Region
Alaska Area, British Columbia Area, Idaho Area, Northern Alberta Area, Northern California Area, Northern Nevada Area, Oregon/Southwest Washington Area, Southern Alberta Area, Utah Area, Washington Area
*Montana, Wyoming, Saskatchewan
Pacific South Region
Antelope Valley Area, Hawaii Area, Nevada Area, Online Area, Central California Area, Inland Empire Area, Los Angeles Area, Orange County Area, San Diego Area, San Fernando Valley Area, San Gabriel/Pomona Valley Area, Southern Nevada Area, West Inland Empire Area
Southwest Region
Arizona Area, Colorado Area, C.A. of Southern Colorado Area, Kansas Area, New Mexico Area, Oklahoma Area, North Texas Area, Texas Area Service Gulf Coast, South Central Texas Area
Mainland European Region
China Area, Denmark Area, Germany Area, Greece Area, Holland Area, Indonesia Area, Spain Area, Sweden Area, Switzerland Area, Russia Area, Portugal Area, Ca Holland Noord Area, France Area, Poland Area.
* Belgium, Italy
European Region
Central UK Area, Hong Kong Area, Ireland Area, London Area, Scotland Area, South Africa Area, Sussex Area, Thailand Area, United Kingdom Area, Wales Area, West Country Area
* Iran, Malta
May 25 – 29, 2023, 37th C.A. World Convention: Atlanta, Georgia Thin, zip-up hoodies produced in several pastel colors. Two different designs were used for the back of the hoodies. …
June 26, 27, 28, 2020 – I Recover Holland Group & C.A. Area Event
The CA Desert Roundup – September 11, 12, 13, 1987 in Palm Springs, California
Sober Heaven in ’87 – San Diego, California – November 27, 28, 29, 1987
According to Donald S., (South Africa CA Area Archive Chair) these shirts were produced for their very first Area convention in 2014. The t-shirts were given away and everyone had …
According to Leon K. (an early 1984 CA Member of Atlanta, Georgia), said that “Dock” (his nickname) Crandall who was originally A.A. brought C.A. from California to Atlanta, Georgia sometime …
Fourth Annual H. Lee Slavin (passed away in 1992) Memorial Volleyball Tournament – Sept. 7, 1996 – Memorial Park, Houston, TX H. Lee Slavin was elected July 3, 1986 to …
9th Annual World Convention: Became Willing in the Heart of Texas: May 28, 29, 30, 31, 1993, Houston, TX
Ain’t It Grand the Wind Stopped Blowin? West County UK District Convention: May 2-3, 2020, Bristol UK
Snow’s White and the Seven Defects! March 12, 2022 Celebrate Around the World, Bristol UK.
C.A. Me in from the Cold festive shenanigans Part 2 West County District Convention Fundraiser – Saturday, December 14, 2019
We’re Here, We’re Free, Southwest Regional Convention, Wichita, KS. October 20-22, 2000.
CA: Still here, Still Free. 19th Annual Wisconsin Area Convention. Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2015. Hilton Garden Inn, 5890 S. Howell Ave., Milwaukee, WI
Dublin, Ireland 2017 C.A. Convention, November 3 – 5, 2017, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dublin 15, Blanchardstown