Pennsylvania/New Jersey/Delaware Area
PE/NJ/DE Area was ratified August 16, 1989 by the 6th World Service Conference.
The history of Cocaine Anonymous in Philadelphia dates to 1986. The first meetings took place in Wayne, PA, Eagleville Hospital and in Montgomery County at Northwestern Institute. None of the three meetings knew of the other. Each had heard about CA from different sources and requested a starter kit. It was from CA World Services office that they were put in touch with each other. These three meetings formed the core of what would become Cocaine Anonymous PA/NJ/DE Area.
Back in the day it was (and continues to be) VERY important to have a strong core group. As our fellowship grew during the late 80’s and early 90’s we saw many changes. Meetings were popping up like fireflies. Tuesday Nights were ODAT, Wednesday Nights was H.O.W., Thursday Nights at Peace Lutheran Church, Friday Nights was Breakaway ODAT and Saturday was Stairway to Heaven. Over the past few years, we have had many New Jersey groups join the CA PA/NJ/DE Area Service Committee.
Now with more meetings and members our attention turned to the high cost of carrying the message. Once again, thank you to the dedicated members of CA Philly who organize our Convention Committee, Hospitals and Institutions Committee, Literature, the Traditions Committee, Public Information, Guidelines and Bylaws, Special Events, Sponsorship Committee, and the Archives Committee. These committees are directly responsible for the conventions and everything we know as CA here in the area. The functions of the Convention Committee help to fund our fellowship and send our delegates to the World Conference, pay the Helpline bill, and defray the costs of meeting lists.
As CA continues to evolve, we see ebbs and flows in different areas. We need to remember to help our meetings that have weak attendance, in particular our family in the North Philadelphia, New Jersey, Haverford, and not far from here at St. Ephrem’s. We need to stay committed to H & I service and to the Area as a whole. We do all these things under the watchful eye of the Higher Power and on the shoulders of those members that help build the foundation we stand on today. My hope is that the Cocaine Anonymous Philadelphia, New Jersey, Delaware continues to grow and flourish. I have faith that the members of CA Philly will step up to carry the good message of CA near and far. Since 1982, the energy and positivity of CA has encouraged all of us in this room to follow a path of hope, faith, and courage to find a new way of life that rockets us into a 4th dimension! God Bless you all and God Bless the fellowship of Cocaine Anonymous.
T-shirt – 2007 PA-NJ-DE Area Convention
Fall Into Faith 2007 PA-NJ-DE Area Convention Oct. 5-7, 2007
T-Shirt – Pool & BBQ Fundraiser – 2016 Philadelphia
Fundraising event for 2016 Philadelphia CA area convention , pool party.
T-Shirt – 2009 Pennsylvania Area Convention
2009 Pennsylvania Area Convention – November 6 – 8, 2009 From the Private Collection of Rose J., Idaho