Sweden Area
The first C.A. Group to appear was in Stockholm, Sweden in October 9th, 2003 and was called “Karlberg.” The Sweden Area of Cocaine Anonymous was ratified at the World Conference in 2004 and today has some 72 C.A. meetings. Visit the Sweden Area website at: http://ca-sweden.se/
As the first non-English speaking host country we are happy to welcome you to Sweden — the land of the vikings, IKEA, ABBA and of course the famous condition “Stockholm Syndrome”. A concept we thought had so many interesting interpretations that we chose to name the convention just that. We hope you like it as much as we do!
The fellowship of CA Sweden has grown fast since the start in 2003. Even though we are a small country with a population of only 10 million people, we can now count 63 meetings a week spread over 19 cities. In Stockholm alone, there’s an average of 4–5 meetings a day. We are proud to present “Stockholm Syndrome 2019” — an event with full focus on recovery from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. We have some truly magical days planned with amazing speakers from around the world, inspiring workshops, marathon meetings, world class entertainment and much more.
We especially welcome anyone who believes they might have a problem with drugs or alcohol. We also welcome everybody else who is interested in participating in this great event: Co-Anon members, drug and alcohol addiction related treatment centers, hospitals and institutions, members of the press or anyone with a curiosity of a solution for drug and alcohol addiction.
Cocaine Anonymous 35th World Convention is being held at Infra City in Stockholm, Sweden 4–8th July 2019.
Listen to Robert B. talk about how C.A. got started in Sweden.