Pin – 2011 CAWS Convention lapel pin
27th CA World Convention: WE, May 26-30, 2011, Phoenix, AZ Private Collection, Rose J., Idaho
The Cocaine Anonymous Virtual Museum
Protecting C.A.’s Future by Preserving C.A.’s Legacy
27th CA World Convention: WE, May 26-30, 2011, Phoenix, AZ Private Collection, Rose J., Idaho
2004 Celebrate Around the World, South Bay Service District, N. California Area
During the Convention Bid Social at the 2021 CAWS Conference held in Los Angeles, CA, the items pictured on the bag (plus some fresh tortilla chips) were given out. On …
The 2020 CAWS Convention, Austin, TX, was postponed to May 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These face masks were made as a pre-convention fundraising item. (Side note — the …
Shirts made for the 2020 Illinois Area Convention that didn’t happen because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shirts made in 2021 for the 4th anniversary of the 12 Principle Group, Kansas Area.
Polo shirt made for the Golf Tournament held during the 2017 CAWS Convention, Seattle, WA.
Donated to Kirk L. (CA Manitoba) by Al L. whose sister created this quilt as gift to Kirk in lieu of his upcoming 25 year celebration of sobriety. Kirk was …
A Pop Socket is an accessory that sticks to the back of some sort of electronic device, most commonly a cell phone or tablet. It looks like a small button …
1st CAWS Convention: Seaside Unity & Acceptance: May 3,4,5, 1985, Santa Barbara, CA Donated by Alan S. From the SOCA Archive Repository
2nd Annual Greater Los Angeles CA Convention, Sept. 19, 20, 21, 1986 Donated by Alan S. (Asst. Marathon Chairperson for this Convention). From the SOCA Archive Repository
There is no year on this item, but we’re pretty sure this is from 1996. The “12” signifies the 12 Years of C.A. and 12 Steps of C.A. and that …
October 28, 29, 30, 1988 in San Diego, CA with the theme: “Scared Straight” Donated by Alan S. From the SOCA Archive Repository
“3rd Annual Arizona CA Convention, Scottsdale, Arizona, April 7, 8, & 9, 1989, Recovery is no Mirage”
3rd CA World Convention: Out of the Fog: July 3,4,5, 1987, San Francisco, CA Donated by Alan S. From the SOCA Archive Repository