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The material presented on this page is intended for use by journalists, court officers, the medical profession, and other interested parties among the public-at-large. General Facts Founding date: November, 1982 First meeting: Hollywood, CA Approximate Number of Weekly Meetings USA and Canada, 1994: 2,000 (25 meetings a week were in operation in England in 1997) A Definition of Cocaine Anonymous Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of recovering addicts throughout the United States, Canada, and other countries whose members meet in local groups. The following definition of "Cocaine Anonymous" is found in our Fellowship's literature and is often read at meetings of CA:
*Reprinted and adapted with permission of A.A. Grapevine, Inc. The Structure of Cocaine Anonymous Cocaine Anonymous is not organized in the formal or political sense. There are no governing officers, no rules or regulations, no dues or fees. While we are guided by the Twelve Traditions of Cocaine Anonymous, each group is generally free to conduct its business as it sees fit, as stated in Tradition 4: "Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or C.A. as a whole." However, the need for services to addicts throughout the world is very important to the Fellowship. Inquiries from both within and outside the Fellowship have to be answered. Literature has to be written, printed and distributed, and requests for help be followed up. The main service body of the Fellowship is C.A. World Services, which is centered at the World Service Office in Los Angeles, California. Here employees and service volunteers maintain communications with local Groups and with persons outside the Fellowship who turn to C.A. for information on the program of recovery. C.A. Conference-approved literature and chips are prepared, published and distributed through this office. The World Service Office, through its Board of Directors, is responsible to the World Service Board of Trustees. The Trustees, who serve as custodians of the Traditions of Cocaine Anonymous, as well as interpreters of policies affecting C.A. as a whole, in turn are responsible to the World Service Conference. The World Service Conference meets annually to unify the Fellowship and consider those actions which affect the Fellowship as a whole. Comprised of Delegates from all the recognized Areas of C.A., as well as the Trustees and the World Service Office Board, the Conference considers how best to carry the message of recovery from cocaine addiction to those outside, as well as inside, the meeting rooms of Cocaine Anonymous. Committees of the Conference cover various areas that affect carrying that message of recovery: Literature, Hospitals and Institutions, Public Information, Convention (responsible for the annual World Service Convention), and Unity. Other Committees address the internal functions of the Fellowship: Conference, Finance, and Structure & Bylaws. All of the service structure of C.A. is based on our 9th Tradition: "C.A. as such ought never be organized, but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve." The principal of consistent rotation of responsibility is followed in all C.A. service positions. Positions in the local Group are rotated according to a vote of the Group. Representatives to the local service organization are voted on at the Group level -- according to a schedule defined by each Group. Officers of the local service organization, as well as the Conference Delegates, are elected based on the group conscience of these representatives. All such officers, delegates, and representatives serve at the pleasure of their electors. Financial Policy Since its beginning, Cocaine Anonymous has affirmed a tradition of being fully self-supporting and of not accepting contributions from non-members. Expenses at the group level for rental of meeting places, coffee and refreshments, literature, etc., are met by "passing the hat." In a majority of groups, an amount is set aside regularly for the support of the World Service Office and their local service office. C.A.'s Position on the Subject of Addiction C.A. is concerned solely with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual addicts who turn to the fellowship for help. Cocaine Anonymous does not engage in the fields of drug addiction research, medical or psychiatric treatment, drug education, or propaganda in any form -- although our members may participate in such activities as individuals. The Fellowship has adopted a policy of "cooperation but not affiliation" with outside organizations concerned with the problem of addiction. C.A. never endorses, supports, opposes, becomes affiliated with, or expresses any opinion on, the programs of others in the field of addiction. C.A. has no position on outside issues -- including the legality or illegality of drugs -- or any other public policy. C.A.'s relations with professional groups, agencies, facilities, and individuals involved with the problems of drug addiction are handled by the Public Information Committee. Mutual understanding and cooperation between C.A. members and others who work with addicts are the concerns of this standing committee of the World Service Board. Public Relations Cocaine Anonymous has adopted the following as its Public Information Policy: In all public relations, C.A.'s sole objective is to help the still-suffering addict. Always mindful of the importance of personal anonymity, we believe this can be done by making known to him and to those who may be interested in his problem, our own experience as individuals and as a Fellowship in learning to live without cocaine and all other mind-altering substances.* We believe that our experience should be made available freely to all who express sincere interest. We believe further that all our efforts in this field should always reflect our gratitude for the gift of sobriety and our awareness that many outside C.A. are equally concerned with the serious problem of addiction. Information and public relations matters affecting the Fellowship as a whole are the concern of the Public Information Committee of Cocaine Anonymous World Services. Reporters are welcome at open meetings and events of C.A., with prior approval of the local service body. The only restriction is a request to bear in mind the importance of anonymity, by not disclosing the name of any C.A. member. For obvious reasons, cameras are not permitted at C.A. meetings. In many areas, C.A. members have formed local committees on public information and cooperation with the professional community, to assist local media in obtaining accurate information about our Fellowship. Cocaine Anonymous offers the following services to the general public:
If you have a need for more detailed information, or would like to order some of our literature, please contact our World Service Office staff at cawso@ca.org To contact the Public Information Committee directly, please use pubinfo@ca.org *Adapted with permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The Importance of Anonymity Traditionally, C.A. members have always taken care to preserve their anonymity at the public level: press, radio, television and films. We know from experience that many people with drug problems might hesitate to turn to C.A. for help if they thought their problems might be discussed publicly, even inadvertently, by others. Newcomers should be able to seek help with complete assurance that their identities will not be disclosed to anyone outside the Fellowship. We believe that the concept of personal anonymity has a spiritual significance for us: It discourages the drives for personal recognition, power, prestige, or profit, that have caused difficulties in some societies. Much of our relative effectiveness in working with addicts might be impaired if we sought or accepted public recognition. While each member of C.A. is free to make his or her own interpretation of C.A. Tradition, no individual is ever recognized as a spokesperson for the Fellowship locally, nationally, or internationally. Each member speaks only for themselves. A C.A. member may, for various reasons, "break anonymity" deliberately at the public level. Since that is a matter of individual choice and conscience, the Fellowship as a whole has no control over such deviations from Tradition. It is clear, however, that they do not have the approval of the group conscience of C.A. members. Cocaine Anonymous is grateful to all media for their assistance in strengthening and observing the Tradition of anonymity. Periodically, the C.A. World Service Office sends to all major media a letter describing the Traditions and asking their support in observing it. Cocaine Anonymous Meetings Open Meetings: As the term suggests, meetings of this type are open to addicts and their families and to anyone interested in solving a personal drug problem or helping someone else to solve such a problem. Direct participation, however, is usually limited to addicts. Closed Meetings: These meetings are limited to addicts. They provide an opportunity for members to share with one another on problems related to using patterns and attempts to achieve stable sobriety. Speaker Meetings: This type of meeting involves one or two sober members voluntarily sharing their thoughts and feelings at length. Participation Meetings: This type of meeting involves individuals voluntarily sharing their thoughts and feelings with each other. Variations and/or combinations of these meetings exist "C.A.", "Cocaine Anonymous" and the CA logo are registered trademarks of Cocaine Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved. |