The 15th Annual Cocaine Anonymous World Service Convention will be held Memorial Day weekend, May 27-31, 1999 at the Milwaukee Hilton, Milwaukee, WI. This is the annual convention for Cocaine Anonymous worldwide. Proceeds from the convention fund the World Service Office. Basic Information: Hotel:
Milwaukee Hilton
$79/night (up to 4 persons) Registration:
$30 after 1 April, 1999 Pre-registration is now closed. Please register at the door.
The Milwaukee Hilton is in the heart of downtown Milwaukee,
15 minutes from General Mitchell Airport. Downtown Milwaukee
is a clean, safe and hospitible area for visitors, and contains
many opportunities for fine dining and other outside activities.
For a complete list of events and activities, click here
NEW - Convention Newsletter - April, 1999 (pdf 56K) For further information or to be of service:
e-mail caws99@ca.org
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for printed publications, such as convention registration forms. "C.A.", "Cocaine Anonymous" and the CA logo are registered trademarks of Cocaine Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved. Updated 15 May 1999 |